Reviewing Wedition: Personalised Wedding Magazines

Reviewing Wedition: Personalised Wedding Magazines

Have you seen personalised wedding magazines? I keep hearing from our clients how more couples are looking for bespoke weddings. In an age where we are increasingly offered more choice thanks to the rise of digital media, this makes complete sense. When I came across Wedition, I instantly saw the appeal on how its tailored offering is very attractive.

Wedding guests reading Wedition

I was introduced to Liz Gatherer, the founder of Wedition on #WeddingHour, a weekly networking slot on Twitter where a mix of wedding professionals congregate to chat and share ideas. We instantly connected and after perusing Wedition’s website, I became adorned with the whole concept.

What is Wedition?

Wedition is a personalised 16-page wedding magazine that couples or wedding professionals can use as an invitation, favour, thank you or whatever else they prefer. There are no limits on options. On their website, Wedition lists some common ideas that couples may choose such as:

  • Their proposal story
  • Introducing the bridal party
  • Mr and Mrs quiz
  • History of the venue or church
  • Memorable moments and thank you messages
  • Local attractions if guests are staying longer
  • Flight, hotel and itinerary details for overseas weddings

How are couples using Wedition?

Liz told me one of her couples are big fans of gin and she is dedicating a page detailing which gin they prefer and how it corresponds to their personality characteristics. Another couple met on Facebook and so their Wedition contains actual messages sent when they were getting to know each other. Liz is creating a Wedition that contains a Carol to be sung after dinner for a Christmas wedding. Another couple used their dog as the narrator. If I were getting married, I would allocate a page where my wife and I would write a special short message for our guests and leave signatures.

Wedding guests reading Wedition

Liz also told me how many couples also choose to include a memorial; some even write messages based upon the memories of that person which adds a beautiful emotional touch to the big day. This is why Liz prefers to meet her customers in person if possible so she can capture as much information about their story and wedding expectations which in turn help create a better magazine.

How do you distribute your personalised wedding magazine?

When distributing Wedition on the big day, some couples prefer to place it on the seats of the ceremony venue. It makes great a read whilst waiting for the couple. Some leave it on the reception tables displaying the menu on the back. This is a nifty way to surprise guests who pick it up to read the menu without realising it offers much more. There will always be tables where guests do not know each other and Wedition gives plenty of info about the couple that serves as a perfect conversation starter.

Wedding guests reading Wedition

When creating the magazine, Wedition typically creates a hard copy draft based upon the theme and colour schemes discussed at the consultation. The draft contains varying page layouts and variations of colour, font and background. This gives the couple a solid idea as to whether the magazine is progressing in the direction they envisaged and makes them feel a continual part of the creative process.

Why consider personalised wedding magazines?

Now here is the biggest feature of Wedition that really caught my attention! Many couples choose to invite their suppliers to advertise on the back pages in exchange for a discount on their services. Essentially, Wedition can pay for itself. In an age where weddings costs can spiral, I think this is a superb way to add that extra special touch without breaking the bank.

I love the concept Wedition offers. I absolutely love it! In an age of digital media, giving your guests a beautifully crafted bespoke magazine to take away as a physical memento of the special day sounds perfect. If you are a wedding professional, considering offering Wedition when discussing options with your clients, it may be the bespoke solution you are looking for.

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